How will you harvest? Create efficient teams building trust with communication
Create work passion and exceed your goals with Interante tools and Concept
Do you want to build a positive environment within and around you? We have the tools.
Do you want to build an organisational culture for wellbeing coo workers with optimal performance?
Our vision is that you and everyone in the organisation, leaders, team and all employees are flowering. We will find the best way for you. Some quotes:
Thankyou Amanda for an inspiring workshop about building wellbeing and goal efficiency through your feedback method. Really great!
Hans, CEO
“Inspiring workshop with Amanda from Interante about the importance of developing feedback. I really enjoyed the lecture and the exercises with the team. I got a lot out of our discussions. I felt enlightened by Amanda and her knowledge on feedback. Highly recommended!”
Maria, CEO
“Do you want to utilize feedback? This is a very good and inspiring method for everyone to increase wellbeing and performance. Amanda is telling you how, in these Inspirationshops. I booked her outstanding workshop and I was really impressed by her story and the practical assignments that was included. This is something that you all will benefit from. I strongly recommend you to be in advance and book this workshop. You have a lot to look forward to.”
Gunnar, CEO
Book Presentation

We offer what you need right now
What feeling do you want to create in you daily work? Do you want to have long lasting inspiration for you and everyone around you? Our tools for leadership, team and staff development lead to work passion and results.

Leadership, team and personal development, coaching
Leadership development and Team development are a buffé of tools where we look at your situation and what is needed. The thing in common for this service is that is making a positive difference for the persons and the organisation.
Amanda is a catalyst and facilitator to the development of yourself and your team. Amanda is contributing to that you are shining clearer and clearer, that you develop fast, getting the tools for what you need right now, that give support in your challenges you have, so that you can perform and at the same time feel happiness.
In order to grow we need different things depending on your starting point, the situation and you as a person. Everyone is different and every organisation is unique too. I use different tools and you and your team can expand choosing the way ahead. Amanda is coaching individually and also your team, you are the stars and will move forward faster in a joyful way.

Inspirationshop – Workshop filled with inspiration, joy and energy for efficiency
Inspirationshop is a lecture or a workshop that gives you a boost, wellbeing and increased performance.
It is interactive for high engagement and for most outcome for you. It will last longer if you follow your own plan we create in the workshop and take the often small steps. We can work with your values, purpose or goals and when they are clear it is possible to start with feedback in connection. Inspirationshop will mean inspiration for the participants and can be adapted to your needs. Buildning the right culture is essential and is the job of of all leaders, HR and managers.
You will receive toolkit and keys based on research, how you develop faster and increase work passion. We adapt workshops and inspirational lectures. You can choose inspirational lecture or workshop from 30 minutes to full day. We present tools that will help you in your day to day business as well as in life.

HR Consultant Support / Interante communication App
Do you need more time to perform your daily HR work? There are many things on the to do list for HR and Amanda is able to assist you as much or little as you need. With HR education and practical HR work, everything from creating and im plementing HR-strategies, values, EVP to Policies, treaties and recruitment, on- and offboarding, Employer Branding, Talent Management and performance management. We will do this with regard to your financial output and among many experiences a master of business adminstration gives this perspective.
What you and your organisation need, we are here for you. We often hear that we bring light where we come in many senses.
Interante has developed an App for dommunication internally so that you can give each other feedback on the go. It is handy, easy and has got a clean look. You will have statistics in the app on received and sent feedback per person and department so that you can see your development and feedbackculture.

87% of all employees worldwide are not engaged according to Gallup. They lack of motivation and are not likely to make an effort in organizational goals. Out of this there are 24 % actively disengaged. This means that these employees are unproductive and unhappy and liable to spread negativity in the organization and outside. Only 13% are engaged and work in order to move the organization forward. This means that there is a lot to do and act upon in terms of overall productivity and life quality.
The wish for far more feedback then what is given today, exist at management level as well as among all employees according to Harvard Business Review. Organizations and management that say the work with feedback 40% work in reality with feedback 0-2% according to Simon Elvnäs research. Based among other on several thousands of hours of filming the actual work in the organizations and analysis. The average production loss for an employee that experience work environment problem is 30-40% according to Malin Lohela Karlssons, researcher. It means 12 to 16 hours are lost for each employee.

Why coaching individually or in teams?
What can you expect and what is needed from you?
- your job life/your team will heading a more positive direction.
- communication will be easier with your collegues and people in your life
- leading to excellence for your performance/the team performance. positive effect on your organisation, can be self-employed to 100 of tousends of employees.
- long lasting energy and inspiration in every day business
- if you are a leader or a coworker or self employed you will be strengthened and appreciated för what you can and want to contribute at work. No matter the size of your team you will see a greater effect if you are a whole team experiencing these tools.
- The motivation is increased as well as wellbeing and excellence.
- It empowers development among employees and the organization.
- Sick leave and stress is reduced.
- Two sessions (about 1h depending on the size of your group and digital or IRL) and inbetween reflection performing small steps that we in the first session have conculded with is right for you.
Will we do all this in this short time?
Yes. We really do, you will see positive changes already after the first session.
Ofcourse it is you/your team that are the stars shining brighter and brighter.
I am just the catalysts that possible intitiate a new direction and building the positive environment within you and around you/your team.
Some quotes (you can connect on LinkedIn ans see there as well):
”Amanda have contributed so that my life, my team and work a much more positive direction.”
”Amanda is a superb coach and she helped me to have balance with my high profile at work and private life and fitness. She asks good questions that makes me think. She also have the currage in a pedagogical way challenge a behaviour so that we can se the consequence and alternative ways. I strongly and warmly recommend her to everyone that want to develop.”
”Amanda was coaching me and strenghtened me in a very nice and professional way. I got questions that was very though out as well as the areas. The focus and respect weas great. I got the possibility to se myself and my situation in a bigger picture. Amanda inspired me and I could see the situations and relations in a higher perspective and way. I have had a huge purpose and joy from my coaching sessions with Amanda and want to warmly recommend her and her services! ”
Why inpirationshop? (Workshop/Lecture/Speech)
Inspirationshop is a lecture or workshop that gives a boost and hands on tools as well as mindset creating conitions for you team success. To build an organisational culture for wellbeing and optimal performance is a long term work that can really accelerate with an inspirationshop. In order for the boost to be long lasting we create a plan and often small steps are enough to repeat every day or week. This works perfectly as a part of kick off or conference, meeting or just a workshop by itself.
An inspirationshop creates good vibes directly and results in wellbeing and increases competence you can use it as a part of a health program or as a part in your educational program.
Who benefits from Team and Leadership development and HR support?
Guidance can be needed by any one in the organisation sometimes. We are all different and have different challenges. In order to develop we need a mirror to se yourself. Amanda can also often help you to see the way forward, and you will decide where you are going, and how. It makes a positive difference.
Ändra i den svenska texten här:
Amanda kan bidra till att du tydligare ser vägen framåt, även om det är ni som bestämmer vart ni ska, vill och hur ni kommer dit. Det brukar bli en direkt märkbar positiv skillnad.
When I work with leader- and team development also in different assignments as HR consultant I contribute to a culture with diversity and inclusion and people often feels offloaded. We human beings are heard animals and work as best in teams, finding solutions and giving you tools so that work is joy and creating energy instead of taking, this is one of my purposes.
HR are often overloaded I can see after helping many and therefore I offer also support in the HR areas.
Different organizations have different needs and I can support as much as exactly you need. I meet you where you are and contribute in big and small, and at the same time I have heard that I make a potisive difference.
Creating participation and engagement is important for an including environment. The app means that the employees will have a tool to take responsibility for their own development and the organizations’. Positive Feedback encourages behaviors that are desired and brings forward the best of the individual and will contribute to the success of the company/organization.
Everyone has got a talent and how can the individual and the organization benefit from this? With professional and correctly given feedback, everyone starts to see themselves and everyone else as talents.
The development of the individuals are bringing forward the development of the organization. With this work done and the feedback culture built it will be easier to attract new talents, to keep them and to empower them to flourish taking the organization with them to the top.
What effects can be expected from using a feedback app?
Interante has deveveloped a feedback app that is simple to use and handy when giving and recieving feedback. It shows that the feedback will then happen for real. You also get statistics and will know if feedback is really used in the organisaiton
Creating participation and engagement is important for an including environment. The app means that the employees will have a tool to take responsibility for their own development and the organizations’. Positive Feedback encourages behaviors that are desired and brings forward the best of the individual and will contribute to the success of the company/organization.
Everyone has got a talent and how can the individual and the organization benefit from this? With professional and correctly given feedback, everyone starts to see themselves and everyone else as talents.
The development of the individuals are bringing forward the development of the organization. With this work done and the feedback culture built it will be easier to attract new talents, to keep them and to empower them to flourish taking the organization with them to the top.
Everyone within the organization. No one will be excluded. The app means that unregard the level and geographical situation the employee is included and will feel like a part of something greater, with a purpose.
Especially during digitalization or other changes such as organizational, feedback is an important tool in order to move forward quicker. It can also mean that everyone get the support they really need and the feedback shows the way.
Different organizations have different use of this system and foremost those that are spread around the country or globe will have extraordinary use of it.
Why a Feedback guide?
Feedback learnings and ideas will be available in the app all the time. It is important in order to practice feedback and acquire these skills in the beginning. The feedback guide is possible to order for free here at the webpage.
Snapshots from the feedback guide:
- 7-1 rule, means 7 positive feedback and one developing feedback from one person to another is recommended in a feedback relation. Positive feedback allows the person to grow and also it builds trust. If enough trust is not built the developing feedback will not really be received.
- Feedback is, reaching for positive result, given tangible and close in time.
- Ideas about how to receive feedback and how to respond is discussed in the feedback guide.
- Feedback is like a gift and it is an advantage to present it as a gift and think how and when the person would like to receive it.
- Feedback förpackas med fördel samt tas emot som en gåva. Det är en present någon ger till någon.
- How to move from a judging work environment to a developing environment?
Interante have developed an feeback app that you can try! Get in toach and we will create and acount for your organisation. You download where you find apps and then you register.
Why a feedback app?
• Feedback is important in order to create engagement and if you encourage everbody to give feedback to each other, the inclusion is increased.
• This app is a way to support feedback and to make it happen.
• Feedback is possible from everyone to everyone.
• The app off loads management, among others that all coworkers get confirmation of the work done.
• It increases work passion, wellbeing, and makes the employees grow and the company.
• Employees get their own tool in order to take responsibility for their own development and support others.
• The need for an app is greater the more on the move we are or working from distance.
• To have an app helps everyone to become aware and remember to give feedback.
• The app empowers people to give and recieve feedback faster, more often and more regular instead of waiting until you have a meeting or phone them.
• All employees can have the possibility to give feedback, which means they have greater possibility to make an impact an also reliefes stress and unhealth.
• An app creates feedback practise and increases your abilities. The app encourages also feeback in person and over the phone.
What is the app and not?
Interante Feedback app empowers feedback on the go and is user friendly and will give you stistics where you are in your feedback culture. Everyone gives everyone feedback, with a method based on research resulting in positive culture and power to succeed.
You can follow the development directly in the app. Interante Feedback Concept gives you a boost. Let us know and we will create an account for you so that you can try the app.
It is not a measurement or employee survey that are only oneway.
This is a solution of what the surveys usually tells us that majority of the personell is not engaged at work at all.
Tha app can be used as it is or in combination with inspirationshop and education where you learn the feedback concept.
What Interante offers are a variety of tools to give you the possibility to grow, flourish and enable your self, your employees and organisation reach a new potential.
Facts & Research about Feedback & efficient teams
Different studies have been made in order to see how successful teams become successful.
Interante and staff are specialists in this area. Several studies shows that caring, kindness and human warmth creates efficient teams. Here are some facts.
Our brains are still in the Stone age searching for dangers and threats. This makes us look for the wrongs first. And it is easy to give negative feedback that you think is constructive. The feedback receivers’ brain is also still in the Stone age and will go into a fight, flight or freeze stage. This doesn’t create a safe environment and the creativity is inhibited, also the situation and culture can feel unsafe and threatening. Harvard Business Review.
Three positive feedback is needed to create trust and to make it possible for other feedback and to create efficiency. Up until 7 positive feedback builds development and a god company culture studies have showed. Marcial Losadas study the positive Ratio and several other studies discovered that most of the positive feedback gives more results and that all teams will be efficient with the right training and feedback. All people also in your organisation are talents that will grow and increase performance when they practise.
We grow more from positive feedback then if we focus on the worngs, according to brain research. Where there are many nerve connections in the brain, the easier new ones are created. Feedback on characteristics gives less development then on the things we can change and improve like behaviour or things we do. If the praise is specific then it gives even more effect.
Alva Appelgren researcher in cognitive neuro science at Karolinska Institutet; Her thesis: ”Error, praise, action and trait : effects of feedback on cognitive performance and motivation”.
50% of the feedback is depending on the feedbackgiver. Hence the feedback giver and reciever are equally resonsible for how the feedback is recieved and what the results may be. Harvard Business Review.
Over 70% already knew about the faults they where doing in a global study of thousands of professionals. Hence we will waste our time if we point out the faults and it drains us of energy and reduce the speed. Harvard Business Review.
Feedback when someone doesn´t perform what to do?
Ask What do you se in x? (x could be a behaviour, assignment, project, meeting etc). Without generalising, judging or sounding negative. To film would be good if it is for example a meeting. Coaching feedback means to continue to lead the collegue forward and to explore together for example ask what do you want to improve?
Mirror holding – managers or the feedback giver ask questions that help them understand the picture of work and the feedback receiver are entrusted to discover opportunities and shape the way forward. The feedback giver engages their colleague/employees in thoughtful conversation about their current strengths, future goals, and how to bring this together. This offers a dramatic shift in the tone of feedback conversations.
This transforms managers and colleagues into people champions who actively promote the growth and agency of their employees and colleagues. Is a good leader someone who creates other leaders? Mirror holding promotes transformational leadership and supports all employees to lead each other and themselves.
Window Gazing – You tell what you see. There is a risk that the managers picture will be “the only right picture” and nobody dare to do, think or tell otherwise and then the creativity and development are inhibited and all the best and fast solutions never come forward. If used, it is best with coaching feedback, I see x, what do you see is happening?
A mindset that helps both when giving and receiving feedback is Growth Mindset from the researcher Carol Dweck. It is a learning approach where you see it as everyone is still learning, so are you. When it comes to areas, skills, assignments and so on, you are never bad but only have not practised enough yet. Fixed mindset is the opposite and then the approched is stagnation, we know what we know and can not be changed. We humans have often both in different mix. You can pay attention so that you use and grow your growth mindset. The both you and the feedback giver/receiver can learn from your conversation, no matter if it is about performance, goals or strengths or how you faster go forward with new solutions.
What makes a team successful?
Google spent 2 years of studying high performing teams in a project called Aristotle.
High performing teams have 5 components:
1. Psychological safety – Everyones own perception counts. You achieve this though sharing opinions and feedback and to be open with different ways to work, sharing how you are working.
In a team with psychological safety team members feel safe to take risks and bring forward questions and ideas, no one in the team will embarrass or punish anyone. “If I make a mistake on our team, it is not held against me.”
2. Dependability – “When my teammates say they’ll do something, they follow through with it.”
3. Structure and Clarity – “Our team has an effective decision-making process.”
4. Meaning – “The work I do for our team is meaningful to me.”
5. Impact – “I understand how our team’s work contributes to the organization’s goals.”
About Interante
The founder Amanda Ekman has got 30 years of international work in different leading positions in large as well as small organisations. And have experience that the most important thing in the organisation is YOU and your colleagues, and that there are keys to healthy performance and joy of work.
One way that seams easy is to high lighten your strengths to keep focus on development. It creates a positive environment for you and each other. It is not always easy to keep long lasting and there are solutions to it.
Unfortunately, many think that negative or constructive feedback is important for maximum development when both reality and research show that positive is the most efficient. It is natural for us to look at the negative first since it helped us to survive in the past when the threats where mortal for example a predator could take our lives. Even if our brain is programmed to look after the threats first. It is today not necessary to dig into the negative, it makes you loose time and energy.
How are you reacting on negative feedback? The research says that we go into fight flight or freeze and it prevents creativity and coming up with a solution and even to see what needs to change. The relation can also become damaged. To high light the strengths and using coaching and developing feedback is a more efficient way where you look forward together changing what is needed building strong relationships.
There are many more tools and keys to development and wellbeing. I taliolor these to fit your needs. How you feel and perform means a lot for the success o the organisation, we will take several small steps that will be the reasons of your success.
Independent of if I work with workshops, coaching or HR support it usually gives positive impact on the HR areas: Work environment, Performance management, Employer Branding and Talent management the labour law needs to be used less. The talents your have in your organisaiton need to enjoy and flourish in order to perform optimum and to stay in the organisation. You make the conditions enabling the employees to thrive.

My passion is to help you and your organisation to shine.
To develop a concept that is inclusive and promotes diversity is natural and the tools and keys are reflecting this.
Educated bachelor of business adminstrated from Uppsala University and Master of Science in Business Administration, additionally HR-education from Stockholm University; Labour management and labour law. Complemented with courses in IT also at Stockholm University.
Earlier project manager responsible for implementing mobile systems in the United States and Latin America, before that contributed to the start of Ericsson Services in Europe.
Worked also as project manager for events and experienced as inspirational workshop leader, coaching, supporting management and employees for many years.
”Amanda has contributed to my life, work and team in a positive way and we now have a more optimistic direction.”
”Amanda is a superb coach and she helped me to have balance with my high profile at work and private life and fitness. She asks good questions that makes me think. She also have the currage in a pedagogical way challenge a behaviour so that we can se the consequence and alternative ways. I strongly and warmly recommend her to everyone that want to develop.”
”Amanda was coaching me and strenghtened me in a very nice and professional way. I got questions that was very though out as well as the areas. The focus and respect weas great. I got the possibility to se myself and my situation in a bigger picture. Amanda inspired me and I could see the situations and relations in a higher perspective and way. I have had a huge purpose and joy from my coaching sessions with Amanda and want to warmly recommend her and her services! ”
When organizations bring on a positive feedback culture everyone to everyone it means that inclusion, diversity are increased, as well as team spirit, being a part of something great, where not only results, efficiency and engagement is created but also passion and joy of working.
We are pleased to see you here and look forward to further contact according to below. Wishing you a pleasant day!
Connect on LinkedIn: amanda ekman
We would love to hear about your challenges and your feedback: amanda(at)
Product offerings and other questions: eva(at)
App Support: support(at)
Finance department/payment questions: ekonomi(at)
Interante AB, 181 55 Lidingö, Sweden
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